




What was the start of all this?
When did the cogs of fate begins to turn?

Perhaps it is impossible to grasp that answer now,
From deep within the flow of time...

But,for a certainty,back then,
We loved so many,yet hated so much,
We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

Yet even then,we ran like the wind,
Whilst our laughter echoed
Under cerulean skies...

流程攻略 章节
流程攻略1 古の砦 夜の幻影にさまよいて/An Ancient Fort - Chasing phantoms in one's dreams...
はじまりは - 潮風そよぐアルニ村/Arni Village - Where the tides start to turn
オパーサの浜 - はるか時の呼び声/Opassa Beach - A calling from beyond time
アルニ村 - 懐かしき見知らぬ友よ/Arni Village - Nothing has changed but everything!
風鳴きの岬 - いとしき思い出の形見に/Cape Howl - A reminder of one's former self
流程攻略2 港町テルミナ - 栄光の龍騎士団/The Port Town of Termina - The pride of the Acacia Dragoons
蛇骨館 - 過去への鍵をもとめて/Viper Manor - Where lies the key to the past
流程攻略3 ガルドーブ - さざなみに誘われて/Guldove - Where ripples become waves
流程攻略4 隠者の小屋 - もうひとりの剣士/Hermit's Hideaway - Meeting with the "other" swordsman
海の悪夢 - 亡者のうたう船歌か/From Pirate's Ship to Ghost's Ship - A mariner's worst nightmare
水龍の島へ - 何処に眠る青の龍/On to Water Dragon Isle - In search for the dragon blue
流程攻略5 古龍の砦 - 古の龍たちが夢の跡/Fort Dragonia - Ancient dragons' dream in ruins
流程攻略6 次元の狭間 - さまよえる魂たちよ/Temporal Vortex - Where lost souls wander
闇からの帰還 - 新たなる旅立ち/Back from the Darkness - And on with a new journey
失われた扉 - 孤立する世界と人と/The Lost Portal - Isolation of people from the world
テルミナ - 龍騎士団の光と影/Termina - Knight or day...?
マブーレ - 人外の者たちの村にて/Marbule - The village of the demi-humans
血塗られた魔剣 - グランドリオン/The Masamune - The blood-stained sword of evil
流程攻略7 死海 - 神に見捨てられた地にて/The Dead Sea - A place forsaken by the gods
復活した扉 - 世界よ震えて沈め/A Portal Reopened - And the planet began to shake
蛇骨館ふたたび! - 囚われの敵/Back to Viper Manor - A captive audience awaits
流程攻略8 急襲!!! - かなしみの追撃者/Surprise Attack!!! - Pursuers with heavy-hearts
神の庭へ - 閉ざされた時を超えて/To the Sea of Eden - Through the hidden holes in time
流程攻略9 時の審判 - 運命の女神の微笑み/The Arbiter of Time - On whom the three Fates smile
星の塔へ - 時の木霊に縛られて/Terra Tower - Caught in an echo of time
クロノ・クロス - 宿命の交わる時/Chrono Cross - The point where destinies meet
すべての夢みるものたちのために/For all the Dreamers - Our planet's dream is not over yet
注:本攻略中所有诸如"はじまりは - 潮風そよぐアルニ村/Arni Village - Where the tides start to turn"的字样皆为章节标题,不是地名或其他东东