

敌人名称的颜色代表其属性,白 绿



H = Home World
A = Another World
1 = 第一次遇到这个敌人
2 = 第二次遇到这个敌人
3 = 第三次遇到这个敌人
R = 珍惜物品,元素
C = 普通物品,元素
T = 陷阱元素
* = 召唤元素
AT = 物理攻击力
MG = 魔法攻击力
DF = 物理防御力
MDF = 魔法防御力

D.I. = Dragon Isle
El Nido T. = El Nido Triangle
Isle OTD = Isle of the Damned

名称 HP AT/MG DF/MDF 掉落(C) 掉落(R) 偷盗(C) 偷盗(R) 出现地点
Acacia PVT(1) 210 29/10 12/0 LoRes Silver Earring Capsule LoRes A Viper Manor Bluffs
Acacia PVT(2) 70 13/10 0/1 Tablet PhotonRay Ivory Helm Capsule A Viper Manor
Acacia SGT(1) 84 14/10 0/2 Copper Meteorite Bronze Helm Capsule H Viper Manor
Acacia SGT(2) 240 31/10 15/1 ElectroBolt Iron Upheaval LoRes H Viper Manor
Aero Guard 540 65/15 65/8 Screw Denadorite HolyLight Chronopolis
Airframe 450 9/20 24/25 Bone SealAll Mythril Elbow Pad Fossil Valley
Alphabat 260 30/10 20/7 Iron HellBound GravityBlow HellBound A Ft. Dragonia
Alphabat 100 28/10 1/0 GravityBlow Tablet HellBound H Ft. Dragonia
-Aquator 2800 133/24 60/25 BlueField Sea Charm Terra Tower
-Anemotor 2500 100/23 65/21 GreenField Green Brooch Forest Charm Terra Tower
Beach Bum 32 4/4 0/0 Humour Tablet Medicine Cure H Lizard Rock, Cape Howl
Beeba 280 22/10 3/6 Fur Upheaval Tablet Copper Hydra Marsh
-BigBoxer 80 12/10 5/0 AeroSaucer ElectroJolt Heal ElectroJolt A Viper Manor
-Black Dragon 3900 96/20 70/15 *GrimReaper Black Plate A Marbule
-BlueDragon 2800 84/15 50/11 *BlueWhale Blue Plate H Water D.I.
-BlueMoaman 145 11/10 0/5 Feather IceBlast IceLance A Viper Manor Bluffs
-Bomber 650 20/10 40/10 Capsule Cloud Cape Earth D.I.
Bubba Dingo 30 7/10 0/0 Fur Fireball Fur Cure A Fossil Valley
Bubba Dingo 140 28/10 32/8 Leather Ointment Tablet Capsule H Fossil Valley
Bulb 50 11/10 0/1 Seed BushBasher Tablet Brass Pick A Shadow Forest
Bulb 280 21/10 31/10 Seed (T)Sonja Heal Capsule H Shadow Forest
-Bunyip 400 43/15 20/0 FreeFall (T)BlackHole A Ft. Dragonia
-Bunyip 1200 52/15 35/10 Gravitonne HellBound FreeFall (T)BlackHole A Ft. Dragonia
Cassowary 100 14/10 1/0 Uplift Feather IvoryMail ElectroJolt A Shadow Forest
Cassowary 500 41/10 32/7 Mythril Nostrum Sight Scope Nostrum H Shadow Forest
CatBurglar 195 26/10 7/0 Ointment Leather Poultice Cap Power Glove A Mt. Pyre
CatBurglar 588 58/10 42/8 Fur Mythril Denadorite H Mt. Pyre
-Centaurpede 370 45/10 28/7 Fang Upheaval ElectroBolt Earthquake H Hydra Marsh
-Chamellion 530 60/14 50/12 WhiteOut Panacea Denadorite Trashy Tiara H Ft Dragonia
Combat 200 27/10 10/1 BlackOut Imbecile Capsule Nostrum A Ft. Dragonia
Combot 1900 74/16 70/10 Inferno Screw Denadorite Nostrum Chronopolis
CrossBones 150 28/10 0/0 Bone Iron Iron HellBound S.S. Invincible
-Criosphinx 13K 140/30 95/28 Sunglasses Denadorite Rainbow Shell A Earth D.I.
-Cupoid 570 63/10 46/10 Purify Winged Shoes Stardust Cape Purify Terra Tower
Cuscus 56 10/10 0/0 Tablet Eyeball ElectroJolt Tablet A Shadow Forest
Cuscus 200 32/10 30/8 EagleEye BatEye Capsule AeroBlaster H Shadow Forest
Cybot 314 40/10 60/0 Screw Iron Knee Pad HiRes Ft. Dragonia
Cytoplasm 472 ??/?? ??/?? Nostrum N/A Strengthen N/A Terra Tower
DaffyDwarf(1) 90 18/8 1/2 Tablet Bronze Vest ElectroBolt AeroBlaster H Hydra Marsh
Daffy Dwarf(2) 130 16/7 0/2 ElectroBolt Leather Iron Capsule H Water D.I.
Daggy Dwarf(1) 100 20/8 1/2 Fur Bronze Vest ElectroBolt AeroBlaster H Hydra Marsh
Daggy Dwarf(2) 140 20/7 0/2 ElectroJolt Copper Tablet Iron H Water D.I.
-Dario 3500 130/37 130/60 Pendragon Sigil A Nostrum H Forbidden Island
-Dark Serge 3200 90/27 79/25 Pendragon Sigil A Stamina Belt Trashy Tiara Rainbow Shell H Ft. Dragonia
DeadBeat 150 22/10 10/5 Eyeball (T)HolyLight (T)Unicorn (T)UltraNova S.S. Invincible
DeadBeat(H) 90 22/10 2/5 Iron HellSoul HellSoul Bone H Isle OTD
-Dead Head(1) 700 48/20 15/8 HellSoul HellBound GravityBlow Bronze Axe S.S. Invincible
-DeadHead(2) 1200 52/14 32/10 Diminish Mythril Plaster Cap Heal H Isle OTD
-De-Hydrate 1042 71/13 60/11 FreeFall Resistance Ring Daemon Charm HellBound A Hydra Marsh
Dodo 168 17/10 5/0 Feather Feather Feather Purify A Fossil Valley
Dodo 220 24/11 7/0 Bone Feather Feather Tablet A Fossil Valley
Dodo 500 40/10 40/12 Feather StrongMinded Mythril Magnify H Fossil Valley
-Dragoon(1) 350 42/15 39/10 Ointment Knee Pad Silver Pendant Gold Earring A Ft. Dragonia
-Dragoon(2) 700 49/18 40/7 *FrogPrince Dragoon Gauntlet A Ft. Dragonia
Drongo 40 8/10 0/0 Seed AeroSaucer Tablet Heal A Fossil Valley
Drongo 200 32/10 33/10 Carapace Mythril Carapace Heal H Fossil Valley
Dwarf(1) 140 19/8 1/2 Uplift Bronze Mail Capsule Heal H Hydra Marsh
Dwarf(2) 150 18/7 0/2 Upheaval Copper Iron Capsule H Water D.I.
-Earth Dragon 3100 86/18 70/11 *ThundaSnake Yellow Plate H Earth D.I.
-Ectoplasm 450 19/15 40/7 Nostrum CureAll Terra Tower
-Fargo 660 43/7 12/2 Meteorite PhotonBeam Capsule PhotonBeam S.S. Invincible
-Fate 5000 109/49 84/49 Magic Seal HolyHealing Earring of Light Magic Seal Chronopolis
-Fire Dragon 850 45/31 20/22 Weaken Magic Ring Magic Ring Wisp Cape A Mt.Pyre
-FireDragon 3400 93/22 55/14 *Salamander Red Plate A Mt. Pyre
Flea 1200 55/20 43/16 Dreamer's Sash Winged Shoes Flea Vest Bend of Time
Fossicker 555 50/3 52/14 Mythril Mythril Earth D.I.
-Garai 1987 77/16 45/14 Dragoon's Honour Dreamer's Scarf H Isle OTD
-Gen. Viper 820 46/16 30/15 Dragoon Gauntlet Mythril Mail Stamina Ring A Ft. Dragonia
-Geos 208 28/10 31/10 HiRes Eyeball Capsule Heal Dead Sea
Gerridae 54 9/10 0/0 Fang AquaBeam Panacea Antiviral Cap A Shadow Forest
Gerridae 260 14/10 30/7 AquaBeam CurePlus CurePlus Deluge H Shadow Forest
-GiantGloop 800 42/14 60/0 AquaBall IceBlast Antiviral Cap A Ft. Dragonia
Gizmotoid 500 70/15 68/8 Denadorite Power Seal Denadorite Nostrum Chronopolis
Gloop 50 9/10 0/0 Humour Poultice Cap Humour A Shadow Forest
Gloop(H) 200 18/10 30/6 CurePlus Numble Numble Deluge ???
Gloop 230 31/10 21/10 Panacea CurePlus CurePlus Medicine H Shadow Forest
Gobledygook 47 10/10 0/0 MagmaBomb Antitoxinal Cap Ointment Copper A Viper Manor Bluffs
Gobledygook 270 32/10 25/10 Feather Dancing Shoes HellSoul MagmaBurst H Viper Manor Bluffs
Googhoul 180 28/10 8/0 Eyeball ElectroBolt Capsule HiRes A Ft Dragonia
-Gravitor 3000 140/32 70/28 BlackHole Black Brooch Daemon Charm Terra Tower
-Green Dragon 3700 81/20 52/12 *Genie Green Plate H Gaea's Navel
Gremlin 280 34/10 20/10 Humour Leather Dancing Shoes Sight Scope Dead Sea
-Grobyc 2800 75/23 54/8 Defender FreeFall A Viper Manor
-Guillot 1001 65/19 73/0 Mythril Screw A Viper Manor
Gurgoyle 520 60/14 50/12 Earth Charm Denadorite Nostrum H Ft Dragonia
Gyroblade 460 75/20 63/8 Meteorite Shower Denadorite Gold Earring Chronopolis
-Harle 400 32/10 10/5 PhotonBeam Moonglasses PhotonBeam Moonglasses A Hermit's Hideaway
-Hell's Cook 2800 92/30 27/5 Gold Pendant Mythril H Viper Manor
-Highwayman 2000 78/15 44/10 Nimble Mythril Dead Sea
-Hi Ho Tank 1000 28/12 14/5 Knee Pad Iron Screw Knee Pad H Water D.I.
HotDiggity 165 22/10 6/0 Fang Iron Dancing Shoes A Mt. Pyre
HotDiggity 417 54/10 40/7 Fang (T)RedWolf (T)RedWolf Mythril H Mt. Pyre
-Hydra 700 43/12 20/9 Upheaval Copper H Hydra Marsh
-JellyBlubba 475 52/10 25/9 Mythril CureAll CureAll Iceberg A El Nido T
-Karsh(1) 115 14/5 0/3 BoneAxe Power Glove Copper Power Glove A Cape Howl
-Karsh(2) 370 30/7 13/9 EagleEye Silver Earring AeroBlast Iron Axe A Mt. Pyre
-Ketchop 260 20/11 0/0 Silver Earring Tablet Power Glove A Viper Manor
-KingMoaman 245 14/10 0/2 GravityBlow Power Glove Copper Feathery Dress A Viper Manor Bludds
Komodo Pup 28 4/4 0/0 Bone Feather Tablet Medicine Lizard Rock
Lagoonate 510 45/10 62/21 Fang Resistance Ring Capsule CureAll H Marbule, H Water D.I.
-Lantern Jaw 290 42/10 25/11 Capsule Inferno MagmaBurst Cloud Cape A Viper Manor Sewer
-Lava-Boy 230 28/10 11/0 MagmaBurst Gold Pendant Tablet Sight Scope A Mt. Pyre
-Lava-Boy 614 60/10 48/7 Inferno Gold Earring Flame Charm Red Brooch H Mt. Pyre
-Lava-Boy 780 63/13 48/10 Denadorite Red Brooch Red Brooch Stone Helmet Lucca's House
-Li'lBoxer 70 11/10 5/0 IceLance Meteorite Heal ElectroBolt A Viper Manor
Loch Nest 43 10/10 0/0 Eyeball Antidote Antidote Seed A Viper Manor Bluffs
Loch Nest 210 31/10 30/6 Capsule HealAll Capsule Carnivore H Viper Manor Bluffs
-Luxator 3000 140/30 70/28 UltraNova White Brooch Angel Charm Terra Tower
-Lynx(1) 820 26/10 1/7 Pendragon Sigil C Gravitonne Magic Ring Power Glove A Viper Manor
-Lynx(2) 1000 60/17 31/29 Pendragon Sigil B Sky Djinn Ring Pendragon Sigil B Sky Djinn Ring A Ft. Dragonia
MamaDingo 70 12/10 0/0 Leather MagmaBomb Cure A Fossil Valley
MamaDingo 140 28/10 32/8 Strengthen MagmaBurst Poultice Cap Capsule H Fossil Valley
-MamaKomodo 160 13/7 1/0 Fang Tablet H Lizard Rock
-ManneQueen 200 42/15 32/20 Mythril Inferno Mythril Sight Scope Dead Sea
Man-At-Arms 160 20/10 6/0 Heal Bronze Mail HellSoul Iron A Viper Manor
Man-O-War 100 16/10 5/0 Capsule Heal GravityBlow Iron A Viper Manor
Mantarrey 480 54/10 30/10 Leather (T)FrogPrince Mythril (T)FrogPrince A Water D.I.
Mantarrey 500 60/10 46/10 Leather CurePlus Panacea Antiviral Cap H Marbule
-Marcy 525 30/5 0/0 IceBlast Iron Silver Loupe Dancing Shoes A Viper Manor, A Mt. Pyre
-MegaStarky 2800 65/12 39/10 MagNegate Angel Charm White Brooch H Sky D.I.
-Miguel 1950 69/20 55/14 Dreamer's Scarf Dead Sea
Myxomycete 500 ??/?? ??/?? Nostrum Angel Charm Trashy Tiara Winged Shoes Terra Tower
Neo-N-Bulb 160 28/10 4/1 AeroSaucer EagleEye Seed Heal A Viper Manor
-Orlha 1800 78/20 49/8 Mythril Waist Pad Kung Fu Shoes A Guldove
OpahFish 40 8/4 0/0 Scale Bone Ointment Tablet A Lizard Rock
Ozzie 2000 88/10 69/10 Ozzie Pants Antidote Tornado Bend of Time
Paper Boy 165 26/10 5/0 Capsule WeakMinded WhiteOut RecoverAll A Ft. Dragonia
-Pentapus 600 36/10 15/5 AquaBall IceBlast H Hydra Marsh
-Peppor(1) 60 10/5 0/0 Ivory Helm Copper Tablet Knee Pad A Cape Howl
-Peppor(2) 90 10/5 0/0 Ivory Helm Copper Tablet Knee Pad A Fossil Valley
-Peppor(3) 90 10/5 0/5 Ivory Helm Copper Tablet Knee Pad A Shadow Forest
-Peppor(4) 180 13/10 0/5 Brace Magic Ring Plaster Cap Power Glove A Viper Manor
-Peppor(5) 483 33/10 16/9 Iron Mail Dragoon Gauntlet Pendragon Sigil B Nostrum A Mt. Pyre
-Peppor(6) 1000 75/10 43/12 Denadorite Stone Mail Forget Me Not Pot A Isle OTD
-PolisPolice 3200 115/35 100/52 PhysNegate Capsule Rainbow Shell Chronopolis
-Polly 540 34/8 15/5 MagmaBurst Sight Scope Inferno S.S. Invincible
Porre PVT 350 52/10 28/5 AquaBall Iron Helm H Viper Manor
Porre SGT 400 55/10 31/5 IceBlast Stami无 Ring H Viper Manor
PortalGeist 330 22/10 5/0 Capsule Eyeball Magnify Heal A Viper Manor
-Popporri 68 19/10 0/0 AeroSaucer Brace Brace Tablet A Hydra Marsh
Potty 350 14/10 5/0 Brace Copper Capsule Upheaval Chronopolis
Prehysteric 550 58/10 54/7 Denadorite (T)Golem Earth Charm Yellow Brooch A Gaea's Navel
PreyMantis 610 50/10 50/7 Feather (T)Sonja Forest Charm Green Brooch A Gaea's Navel
-Pterodact 750 58/11 50/10 Inferno Gold Earring Cloud Cape Stamina Belt A Gaea's Navel
Puffy 300 50/10 23/7 Scale Mythril Mythril Deluge El Nido T.
-Pyrotor 2400 130/22 55/20 RedField Red Brooch Flame Charm Terra Tower
-Quaffid 200 12/10 0/1 Seed BushBasher Antidote BatEye A Shadow Forest
-Radius 750 44/15 38/15 Pendragon Sigil C Gravitonne Heal Magnify H Arni
-Redmoaman 145 11/10 0/5 Feather FirePillar MagmaBomb H Fossil Valley
-Roachester 1245 66/20 54/12 Elbow Pad H Viper Manor
-RoboDucky 450 45/10 38/7 Screw Mythril Mythril Gold Earring Chronopolis
-Roborg(1) 300 35/12 8/0 Copper ElectroBolt Screw Capsule Ft. Dragonia
-Roborg(2) 1000 49/19 14/8 Copper ElectroJolt Screw Heal Ft. Dragonia
RockRoach 515 75/11 77/10 Denadorite Fang (T)Sonja (T)Tornado A Earth D.I.
-RoyalJelly 1657 64/12 30/10 Resistance Belt Earring of Light Magic Ring A El Nido T.
-Sage 1500 56/25 41/20 Mythril Helmet S.S. Zelbess
SandSquirt 26 3/4 0/0 Fang Scale Tablet H Lizard Rock
-SchoolMates 400 49/10 25/10 Scale Mythril CureAll Nostrum El Nido T.
Scorpiod 250 32/10 5/0 Feather Knee Pad Tablet Capsule A Water D.I.
-ShadowCat 350 45/10 25/10 Fur (T)MotherShip Daemon Charm FreeFall A Fossil Valley
SideSteppa 620 52/10 35/10 CureAll Deluge Nostrum H Water D.I.
-SkyDragon 3800 97/20 61/25 *Saints White Plate A Sky D.I.
Slash 1900 70/10 58/5 Slasher Third Eye Iceberg Bend of Time
Snibgoblin 110 24/10 1/0 AeroSaucer BushBasher AeroBlast Antidote A Hydra Marsh
Snobgoblin 120 24/10 1/1 Fang BushBasher Antidote Capsule A Hydra Marsh
-Solt(1) 52 9/7 0/0 Ivory Vest Copper Tablet Silver Loupe A Cape Cowl
-Solt(2) 80 9/7 0/0 Ivory Vest ElectroJolt Ivory Helm TurnBlack A Fossil Valley
-Solt(3) 80 9/7 0/0 Ivory Vest ElectroJolt Ivory Helm TurnBlack A Shadow Forest
-Solt(4) 150 12/10 0/5 Copper Copper Bronze Vest Dancing Shoes A Viper Manor
-Solt(5) 500 32/10 17/10 Iron Vest Sky Djinn Ring Nostrum Kung Fu Shoes A Mt. Pyre
-Solt(6) 900 70/10 39/15 Denadorite Stone Vest Resistance Belt Pendragon Sigil ? A Isle OTD
Spearfisher 487 44/10 30/16 Nimble CureAll Antiviral Cap IceBlast Viper Manor Sewers
-SunOfAGun 365 47/12 68/50 Iron Screw A Ft. Dragonia
-SwarmpBug 80 20/10 0/1 Fang Feather Panacea Numble Hydra Marsh
Taurminator 658 60/10 45/10 Mythril Mythril Helmet Mythril Gold Earring H Mt. Pyre
-Taurusoid 1600 43/6 40/0 Fang Iron Vest (T)Tornado (T)Sonja A Ft. Dragonia
-Terrator 2200 100/20 65/16 YellowField Yellow Brooch Earth Charm Terra Tower
-TerraTerror 700 69/10 53/10 Nostrum Defender Waist Pad Nostrum Terra Tower
-TimeDevourer(1) 15000 120/30 93/45 Earring of Hope HolyLight Terra Tower
TotalChaos 230 30/10 32/10 Gravitonne Mythril Mythril Trashy Tiara Dimension Vortex
Tragedienne 380 32/10 18/10 AquaBall Deluge Heal Carnivore Dead Sea
Tutanshaman 300 43/9 22/22 Weaken ElbowPad Capsule Sky Djinn Ring A Fossil Valley
-Tyrano 1600 80/15 55/20 Resistance Ring Power Seal Gold Earring A Gaea's Navel
TzetzeFly 160 25/14 0/0 Humour GravityBlow Heal BlackOut S.S. Invincible
-VitaDuo 2500 100/32 100/70 Earring of Light Diva Dress White Brooch HolyHealing Sea of Eden
-VitaTres 700 100/30 105/60 Diva Dress Golden Tiara White Brooch HolyHealing Sea of Eden
-VitaUnus 2500 105/30 105/65 Vigora White Brooch Diva Dress Sea of Eden
Whoot 600 68/10 60/18 Earth Charm Yellow Brooch Third Eye Trashy Tiara Terra Tower
WightKnight 750 80/18 45/10 Iron Rainbow Shell Nostrum HellBound H Isle OTD
Will'OWisp(1) 45 11/8 0/2 Tablet Ointment Capsule FirePillar A Viper Manor
Will'OWisp(2) 200 35/10 20/15 FirePillar Inferno Capsule Heal Isle OTD
Wingapede 430 32/8 12/3 AeroSaucer Leather Antitoxinal Cap Iron A Hydra Marsh
Witchetty 468 34/10 34/10 Humour Medicine AquaBall CurePlus H Viper Manor
Wraith 198 27/10 0/0 Leather HellSoul Power Glove Heal A Fossil Valley
Wraith 200 25/10 0/0 Leather GravityBlow Copper GravityBlow A Shadow Forest
Wraith 210 27/10 0/0 Leather GravityBlow Heal Nostrum A Hydra Marsh
Wraith 400 47/10 30/6 HellSoul Ghetz's Shirt Capsule FreeFall H Shadow Forest
YellowBelly 621 68/10 42/10 Numble Humour Earth Charm Capsule A Earth D.I.
-Zoah(1) 200 14/6 0/0 IvoryMail Bronze Glove Knee Pad A Shadow Forest
-Zoah(2) 436 30/7 12/7 Gold Earring Stamina Ring A Mt. Pyre